Fishing on the Beauly

Fishing on the Beauly between Beauly Firth and the Lovat Bridge is controlled by the Beauly Angling Club. Visitors can book day tickets there:

Beauly anglers

Fishing above the Lovat Bridge up to the Kilmorack Dam is operated by the Lower Beauly Syndicate:

Lovat Estates owns the middle River Beauly which is available for fishing by contacting Donald Fraser at R Morisons, Ironmongers, Beauly at Tel +44 (0)1463 782213

Upper Beauly Fishing:

Fishing in Strathglass and Glen Affric:


  1. SALMON: Category 1 The recommendation from the Board is to release ALL salmon caught before April 1st, then 1 cock fish of no more than 8lbs and a total bag of 3 for the season. Cock fish over 8lbs to be released and NO hen fish to be kept.
  2. SEA TROUT will be as before, that is – ALL fish below 1lb to be released, ALL fish above 3lbs to be released. Fishers are allowed to keep 2 per week and a bag limit of 6 fish per person for the season.

Other contacts:

Beauly District Fisheries Board:

Ness and Beauly Fisheries Trust:

For fly fishing instruction: