Minutes of Meeting, 5th December 2013

Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 5th December 2013 at the ‘The Kilmorack Hall’ at 7.45pm

Present:  Steve Byford (Chairman), John Stewart(Vice-Chairman[20.23hrs]),Mary Graham(Secretary), John Graham, Duncan Fraser

Apologies: Clare Caldwell, Cllr. Helen Carmichael, Cllr Margaret Davidson, Cllr. Drew Hendry,

Community Members: Nil

Meeting commenced 19.53hrs.

Minutes of the previous meeting Thurs 7th November 2013 were taken as read and accepted as a true and accurate record.  Proposed by John Graham and seconded Steve Byford – Approved.

Police Scotland, Beauly Area Report: Printed version circulated 

Matters arising:

  1. Noise issues at Wester Balblair: SB gave a brief resume of events to date. He took the view, endorsed by the rest of the Committee, that Alastair Brand’s offer of a site visit at the BCLG meeting should include Cllrs. Margaret Davidson and Helen Carmichael, Ken McCorquodale, and members of the Community Council. This will enable us all to develop a better understanding of what is in the sub-station and equipment which may have issues.
  2. Beauly Communities Liaison Group: SB, JS, and MH attended the meeting at the Kilmorack Hall on 14th November. Questions raised included conditions of the Brae’s roads post undergrounding work. Murphy’s informed the group that a video of the road state has been made prior to the commencement of work and would be repeated on completion. Any damage would be made good. A request that maximum notice possible of road closures. Requests for regular mud clearing had been agreed. Beauly River drift drilling had now commenced. SSE now committed to Altyre Road and Beauly Toll paths and both would commence in January 2014. SSE asked that anyone with noise problems let them know so that they can see the extent of the problem. A full minute by SSE of the meeting is available. SB welcomed the fact Liaison meetings had been established and hopes that they will progress the issues.
  3. Winter Resilience: JG reported that four salt bins had been delivered and installed at Breakachy, Wester Balblair, Altyre Brae and the Brae above the Pink House. Shovels, hi-viz vests and gloves had been distributed and names of volunteers forwarded to THC for the insurance purposes.

Chairman’s Business: None

Vice Chairman’s Report: None 

Secretary’s Business: Proposed dates for 2014 Meetings had been forwarded. These were discussed and agreed.

Planning Matters: None

Finance:  Repairs to the Wester Balblair Community Board had been paid as had the Secretarial budget for this year. The bill for the hall was still outstanding. MG to chase. There was still a comfortable balance at the bank. 


  • Community Councillor Training Evening  – 10th December. New date – Info to be re-circulated
  • Support for Kiltarlity Community Council to chase funding for a Book on the place names of Beauly, The Aird and Strathglass – Supported
  • Inverness West District Partnership (NHS/THC). Meeting at Phipps Hall, 20th December 2013. MG requested any difficulties experienced by Community residents needed to be raised. None known.


  1. Wild Lands application had been produced. JG read the proposal to members and everyone had a chance to look at the map and make observations. Comments were discussed and the proposal was approved.
  2. 2.       JG reported that the new safety barriers on the Breakachy Road above the Urchany Gorge had been installed and the road verge above Teanassie School had been filled and tarmaced.

Next meeting:  6th February 2014 at the Kilmorack Hall – 7.45pm.

Meeting Closed: 21.28hrs




 Steve Byford, Chairman