Winter Ice and Snow

There is no law preventing you from clearing snow and ice on the pavement outside or on paths to your house (or any other building you are responsible for).

Provided you are careful, use common sense and don’t do anything which would be likely to cause harm or distress to others, it is highly unlikely that you will be found responsible for any accidents. In fact, it’s prudent to make sure your own property is safe for other people to use it. Users of areas affected by snow and ice also have responsibilities to be careful themselves.

Winter Resilience: There are shovels, pushers and day-glo tabbards available for anyone wishing to clear public areas. Insurance Cover from THC is no longer available  from 2023.

For everyday activities that you might do to help your neighbours, in a personal capacity, your ordinary household building or contents insurance will generally provide personal liability cover. You will need to take reasonable care, and should not take unnecessary risks. If you are in doubt, you should check your policy or ask your insurer.

Roads in Kilmorack

There is considerable comment on the lack of snow and ice clearance of the Snow and Ice in Kilmorack. Highland Council has limited resources and priorities are given to main roads and bus routes. Much of the Braes is priority 3 or even 4 (Breakachy). Kilmorack Community Council is working with TEC services to a resolution to this problem. In the short term it is hoped to re-time some routes improving access to the buses for Charleston Academy whilst delaying slightly the clearance to Teanassie whilst still being there before the School opens. It should always be remembered that in severe weather conditions it is unlikely that the ploughs will get through to us in a timeous manner.

As of note Kilmorack Community Council is working with Highland Council to investigate the possibility of a pilot project where we may have our own snow clearance and gritting equipment and will endeavour to clear the roads ourselves. The problem here is the intermittency of weather events, maintenance and manning of such equipment. On a safety issue this would be to the benefit of as all. The status quo is improving but nothing can provide a total solution for very adverse weather conditions especially ice followed by freezing rain or very deep snow. We are working hard to make this work.

Highland Council Information

Winter Priority Routes

Winter Services Website