Minutes of Meeting, 4th December 2014

Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 4th December 2014 at the ‘The Kilmorack Hall’ at 7.45pm

Present:  Steve Byford (Chair), John Stewart (Vice-Chair), Duncan Fraser(Treasurer),  Mary Graham(Secretary), John Graham, Mark Hedderwick

Val MacIver(Platform PR), PS Craig Stuart

Invited guests: Morven Taylor HSCHT, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, Belladrum

Apologies: Cllr. Margaret Davidson, Cllr. Helen Carmichael, Cllr. Hamish Wood – Cllr. Drew Hendry sent his Christmas Greetings.

Meeting commenced:  7.51pm.

Minutes of the previous meeting Thurs 6th November 2014 were taken as read and accepted as a true and accurate record.  Proposed by John Graham and seconded Mark Hedderwick – Approved.

Police Scotland, Beauly Area Report:

  • Police Sgt Craig Stuart introduced himself as the new Beauly Area Sargeant and explained that he grew up in the area. No crimes reported in the area. Asked us to make people aware of oil thefts in the surrounding areas. Vice-Chair expressed concerns of speed of vehicles travelling down Altyre Road to the A831. Suggestion was to ask TEC services for speed registering strips. PS Stuart then left.

Noise Complaint: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver of Belladrum reported hearing noise for two years affecting Mrs. Oliver’s sleep(night duty nurse) which they had not realised until lately was related to the Wester Balblair noise issue. MJ to email details of EHO (Gregor MacCormick) to Mrs. Oliver. 

Highland Small Communities Housing Trust: Morven Taylor explained the organisation’s work in developing affordable houses for local communities. We could look into the possibility of grant funding for a survey to identify need and land availability in the local community for people/family wanting to return to the area. MH raised the issue of Forestry Crofts as an example. The Chairman thanked Morven for attending. MT left at 8.45pm. 

Cnoc an Eas Wind Farm: Val MacIver was queried and stated that the application, after further amendments, would be applied for mid March/April. Mrs. MacIver was asked why two separate applications for met masts (14/04301/FUL and 14/04302/FUL) had been presented for the one site and why had the application been presented so close to Christmas. Time to comment was less than clear and different to that stated at the Force 9 presentation at Kilmorack Hall. The community has less than three weeks to comment at a time of the year when everyone is committed to other things. VM agreed to check. No further discussions. VM Left.

Matters arising:

  1. Wester Balblair – SB reported: Still awaiting confirmation on why sub-station (SVC?) was very noisy on weekend after SVC put back on line. Write to MPs to update them. MG to email Gregor MacCormick to ask what background noise level THC requires. MG to email Neil Anderson to ask why the SVC was not put in a building from the beginning. All answers to the forthcoming Community Liaison Group meeting.
  2. Loch Buidhe Update: After the latest SSE community presentation at Kilmorack Hall, SB raised concerns that the visuals of the new larger towers and the old existing towers were not to the same scale. Photos of new towers were not like for like and misleading. It was of some concerns that MH had been advised that the new undergrounding would effectively be redundant in a few years. The Council felt it important that we should press for all the new lines to be undergrounded. Otherwise the mitigation agreements with THC and KCC would not have been honoured.
  3. Benches: A quote had been received of c. £1200. Ideas for positioning were discussed but it was decided to defer any progress until after the new paths were complete.
  4. Nation of Lifesavers – British Heart Foundation Mini Annie manikins(Call, Push, Rescue) had arrived(on show) and we were awaiting the instruction manuals and DVDs. The Hall Committee have agreed the use of the porch for the siting of a defibrillator at the Hall and will look into the power supply for a heated cabinet. Application for the grant is ongoing.
  5. Budget Consultation: A letter, not the survey, had been sent as agreed and an acknowledgement received.

(MH left – 9.42pm)

Chairman’s Business:

  • A request from the Kilmorack Hall Committee for a letter of support for an SSE Community Grant for new windows. Agreed for next years round.
  • Frank Spencer-Nairn wished to address the meeting on the TBid MG to invite to next meeting – agreed.

 Vice Chairman’s Report:  No current issues

Secretary’s Business and Correspondence:

  • Meeting dates for Hall provisionally booked. It was decided to revert to 7.30pm start and JS asked if the October meeting could be changed to the 8th. With these variations the dates were agreed.

(JS left – 9.55pm)

Finance: There were no transactions last month and the balance stands at £2400. A request for a more formal written presentation of accounts had been received from the Ward Manager, Charles Stephens. The treasurer will take this on board. 

Planning Matters:

  • 14/04301/FUL and 14/04302/FUL Cnoc an Eas Wind Farm: two separate applications for met masts had been notified. The Chair pointed out that a great number of those in the Community will see up to thirteen turbines. As this is outwith our Community Area, and only refers to the masts at this time, it was felt that individual objections would be the most appropriate. When the full application is presented we shall discuss that fully at that time. 

AOCB: JG wished to record the Community Council’s thanks to the Chairman, SB, for the use of his leaf blower to clear the War Memorial in advance of the Remembrance Day Service.

 Next meeting:  5th February 2015 at the Kilmorack Hall – 7.30pm

Meeting Closed: 22.05hrs    




Steve Byford