Minutes of Meeting, 6th Feb 2014

Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 6th February 2043 at the ‘The Kilmorack Hall’ at 7.45pm

Present:  Steve Byford (Chairman), John Stewart(Vice-Chairman ,Mary Graham(Secretary), John Graham, Duncan Fraser,       Mark Heddewick, Clare Caldwell, Cllr. Helen Carmichael

Apologies: Cllr Margaret Davidson, Cllr. Hamish Wood. PC Scott Maclean

Community Members: Lyndsey Ward

Meeting commenced 19.55hrs.

Minutes of the previous meeting Thurs 5th December 2013 were taken as read and accepted as a true and accurate record.  Proposed by John Graham and seconded John Stewart – Approved.

Police Scotland, Beauly Area Report: Mary Graham gave a report supplied by PC Scott Maclean. In response to that some concerns were expressed about the number and use of a number of caravans at 7 Resaurie putting pressure on services. Cllr. Helen Carmichael will take this up with planning. 

Matters arising:

  1. Noise issues at Wester Balblair: Cllr. Helen Carmichael gave a report on the Highland Council meeting with David Gardner of SSE/SHET on the progress of mitigation measures. He promised that noise data would be sent to the KCC. SB stated that he would then send the data to Dick Bowdler Accoustics for an independent response. Cllr. Carmichael expressed concern that the Community Liaison Meetings should be chaired by the Community Councils.
  2. Strathglass/Kilmorack Wind Farm Protest Meeting. SB reported that a large number of the Community attended (c.230) and were very concerned about the proposal.
  3. Quarry Paths update: MH explained that the first phase had been completed. The remaining stage cannot be completed until the substation access road is finished. New signage will be erected, new trees planted and two benches. The Chair expressed his opinion that MH had done a good job.
  4. Western Isles HVDC Update: MH concerns that with the changes by which the existing access through the quarry to the substation is to be used, the bank with planting(Trees) that was to shield the building will no longer be built.

Chairman’s Business:

  1. SSE/Murphy Community Liaison Meeting. SB requested that Eric Donnelly attends the next meeting.
  2. Repairs to the Altyre Road crossing/dip have now been successfully repaired.
  3. Altyre Road footpath will now go straight up and not follow road.
  4. JS raised the issue of pot holes occurring due to Murphy and Breedon Aggregates lorries using the Altyre road. There is a department in THC to monitor this.
  5. Cllr Carmichael reported that THC was piloting a system using GPS for Community Councils to photograph road and drainage issues and report to TEC services. The TEC can concentrate their resources accurately.
  6. Woodland’s Wind Farm/Ferintosh letter. Request by Ferintosh Community Council to support their objection to the Woodlands farm wind farm. It was felt that whilst we  support there objection individually it is outwith our area and we do not wish to be seen as a serial objector. JG to write to Ferintosh CC expressing our support but explaining our position.

Cllr. Carmichael left 21.20hrs

Vice Chairman’s Report: JS to contact Breedon and Lovat about the condition of the fence by the quarry where a post is sticking out into the road way (A831) opposite Wester Balblair

Secretary’s Business: IACCF meeting 25th February 2014

Planning Matters:

  1. Two planning applications for Wester Balblair substation regarding tree planting. An observation to extend one area(D) has been submitted. No objections.
  2. Re-routing of main access to the substation through the existing quarry access. No objection.
  3. 14/00062/FUL Alt-na-Cloich wind turbine application. Committee confirmed it’s objection on the basis of scale, proximity to houses and Bolblainy Forest and lack of Viewpoints to the north of the Turbine site in the Kilmorack area, which is identified as impacted on the ZTV.
  4. 14/00118/FUL Duncan Fraser identified an interest. His house is just behind the development. As long as the ridge line is not raised significantly the Community Council sees no reason to raise any objection.
  5. 13/02840/SCRE Teavaran Wind Turbine. The CC were made aware of this which is in close proximity to the writer’s centre. As planning has yet to be applied for there is no action necessary at this time.

Finance; The treasurer informed the Committee that funds were in excess of £2k. The Chairman reminded the treasurer that their will be a bill for our noise consultant at some time. 


  • National Planning Framework 3 – Consultation ends 4th March 2014. 


  1. 1.       Dumfries and Galloway Community Councils had requested support for a request for a Moratorium on Wind Farms. Send letter for support in principle. All agreed
  2. 2.       SB asked that Community Payback should be approached to repaint the fence by the war memorial.
  3. Lyndsey Ward – Protest banners had been removed by THC.

Next meeting:  6th March 2014 at the Kilmorack Hall – 7.45pm.

Meeting Closed: 22.08hrs



Steve Byford,Chairman